Opel soll angeblich an Peugeot verkauft werden [Update]

Bildquelle: Werbeagentur Frank Bode | www.werbe-bo.de

Offenbar denkt General Motors momentan über den Verkauf von Opel an Peugeot nach.
Die Gespräche dazu sollen schon fortgeschrittenen sein.
Der Bericht kommt von der Nachrichtenagentur Reuters unter Berufung auf Insider.


Statement on General Motors and PSA Group Strategic Initiatives
Since 2012, General Motors and PSA Group have been implementing an alliance covering, to date, three projects in Europe and generating substantial synergies for the two groups.  Within this framework, General Motors and PSA Group regularly examine additional expansion and cooperation possibilities, as well. PSA Group and General Motors confirm they are exploring numerous strategic initiatives aiming at improving  profitability and operational efficiency, including a potential acquisition of Opel Vauxhall by PSA.
There can be no assurance that an agreement will be reached.